I want a thumbnail with a sad looking Gim on the left with Level. 1 above him and a Gim on the right, with Level. 2600 above him and a line splitting up the Gims thank you.
I will be really grateful if you can make a thumbnail for my map thank you
whats the games name? @branhamtosmart
The name of the game is GimFruit
got it! I’ll do one.
good and thank you for doing this for me even do you didin’t have to
its all good and thanks! I like doing thumbnails so its win win, you get a thumbnail, I get to draw.
I’ll send you the finish product of my game in link(It won’t be a code it will be you hosting it* thank you again for helping me
And do you want who made the game on the thumbnail? If so do you want me to use your forums username as your name or something else? Thanks!
Yes use my forum username for it and also give yourself credibility by putting that you made the tumbnail
I will! I always do. Okay! Your thumbnail should be ready in less than five minutes!
Thanks again for the thumnail
Thank you for the thumnail
Yeah, no problem! I hope you enjoy!
Hey, am i late for this?
I want to do one, but if im to late, sorry for bothering
But am i able to do one would of done it sooner but i forgot about gimkit for a bit
yeah sorry but you are late I already have a thumnail