Thumbnail chosen, thank you all for participating!


What can I say? When I see something I want to do, I will do it. No matter the cost. I’m true to my word.

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I did the unstable hand. (If I get banned for this well uh, unstable how did you make that your pfp then :skull:)


Alright, I’m gonna try making a thumbnail for this…

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I think ima have ridiculous with this one

Unstable having a thumbnail request. How funny.

Here you go!
I feel like all my thumbnails are mediocre…



If you color the background be slightly grey, it will make it easier to read the text. I don’t know if it will ruin the table though…

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Collection of all that we have:


Hey, Unstable, you there?
Are ya gonna make a poll or just choose one?

I’ll just choose one. Sorry for not replying to anything, I was doing this crazy thing called sleeping.


Stil hate that these are allowed, but that doesn’t mean I’m boycotting it or something like that. Art is good, but I don’t think this is really the place for it.

Sorry, off-topic. Picking a thumbnail now.


a poll might work. So that way you know what the majority of the people would want.

unless their just trolling you and picking the worst… in that case, it would be a good idea to pick yourself, no one knows what you want as good as yourself!

Yeah, but making a poll would drag people down, especially if their work got no votes. I mean, to be fair, it’s not like anyone here put too much work into these (sorry if you did, but it wasn’t the intention). Still, it seems kinda rude to me.

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This one is my final choice. It’s kinda hard to read, but that builds into the goofiness of the map itself. Good work!

anyways, time to change the title or something else since I can’t mark a solution or something like that


Oh, of course, makes sense.

YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MADE DONT LOOK TABLE, I THOUGHT SO!! I remember when math thrive did a speed run of that map, also round tables are still table ofc

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he is also the one who went into a casket on discord and forums
so he gone