Thumbnail art for my Battle Royale Game?

Hello, Just asking if anyone artistically inclined can make a thumbnail for my soon-to-be-posted game? Here are some reference screenshots.

It isn’t really space themed, this is just the lobby.

There is no deadline, take your time!

A nice template for making a thumbnail art request.

Title: Whats the title?

Description: What is the game about?

Details: What gims do you want? What is the theme? What type of map/vibe do you want?

Deadline: When is this due by?

you knocked out 2 of though- so good job.

Just wanted to say this since I see a lot of requests lacking this. oh an I almost forgot, digital, hand-drawn. If it’s hand drawn then your done. But if it’s digital it splits into 3 categories. Do you want it photoshopped, Canva(ed?) or Google slide show(ed?)

It’s called Gim-Battles (dvmb name I know).
It’s a battle royale game.
I would like Ozi, Dodge and Burger Gim (I don’t know the name).
I would prefer canva or photoshop.

I’ll do it! (thumbnail request finding streak, lets gooooooooo)

I can do one (98% memory kinda insane)

Yeah, its really detailed!

Thank You! Been working on this map for over 6 months! Glad to finally get a thumbnail for it!

Also, 2d or 3d is fine.

< Any other takers? >

I guess i’ll try me done some in the past

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Hey @BurgerKing ! I’m done, anything you’d like me to add or change? (lol I’m so good at photoshopping I used the actual picture.)

I have one that was for a different thumbnail but didn’t make it

im hyped for the game :smiley:

here it is

@BurgerKing would you want to collab w me and make a game together

ya’ll can’t put codes here so some where else pls

did i say i would :anger: and i would probably use canva or something

if ya’ll do and Canva is not bad

do you want them fighting or no?