Thumbnail and name needed for my pvp game

Maybe I could take a shot at making a thumbnail for this. I’ll probably use that “Fighting Frenzy” name.

I’ll make a thumbnail, just let me have some time and I’ll get it done!!!

here’s something I made a while back just so you know how it might turn out.

Here’s my lil art gallery for my thumbnails if anyone wants to see it!!!

The gallery

Uh ok I guess you could make one this was 22d ago
but pls make the thumbnail

I’ve basically got it halfway done, whenever I get back home i’ll finish it.

Ok, Thanks for the update!

No problem! It might take a bit longer since I have homework, but I’ll try doing some of it at school.

I use Canva for all my thumbnails

Sorry for the silence, I was working on it but got sidetracked by other activities and was busy for a while. I’m almost done with it, and will get back to work when I get back home.

this looks super awesome

Yo, i’ve got it done, whaddya think?


this is Soo cute! I love the expressions of the gims!
maybe make ur lines a bit thinner their kinda thick

Yeah, i’m a bit guilty of making the lines too thick lol

OMG That’s sooo good I am republishing the game and using that thumbnail today at 1:00 pm @TheCoolCapybara

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Thanks! Glad I could help.

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