Thumbail Request For Shark Attack 🦈

Thumbnail Request for Shark Attack

Name of Game

Shark Attack!

Summary of Game

You, Axle (Yellow), and Harold are stranded on a small, desolate island. Axle informs you that resources are running dangerously low and urges you to take your raft and search for a new island rich in supplies. However, your journey won’t be easy—you’ll have to face off against sharks (in carver costumes), sea predators, and land sharks.
After a perilous voyage, you arrive at a strange, distorted island where everything seems surreal, with random props scattered everywhere. The danger doesn’t end there—land sharks continue their relentless attacks, now joined by aggressive octopuses (Octo).
Amid the chaos, the Gimfish Guru appears and warns you of an imminent threat: an army of land sharks is preparing to invade and conquer the island. Faced with this dire situation, you must make a crucial decision:

  • Abandon the island and leave the castaways to their grim fate.
  • Fight back against the land sharks to protect the castaways and reclaim the island.

The choice is yours. What will you do?


For the thumbnail, I would like an island with a palm tree surrounded by

Gims Used

Axle(yellow) Harold and 2 Gims of your choice
any Gims or custom Gims. I wouldn’t mind

Actions for the gims

Axle(yellow) is carrying a barrel with a happy face
Harold is setting up the tent with a neutral face and one
of the Gims of your choice should be fishing and the
other should be sleeping

Authors of the Game

Sea-Doodles and CrimsonCrumble

Deadline is February 10th
If you need more time let me know.


I could do this!
i have never had my thumbnail in a game so this could be my shot!

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@Sea_Doodles Here Are Some Of my previous artworks.


That’s really cool!

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I don’t want to rain on your art parade, but when you want to show off previous works, could you put a link to an outside website instead? I like to just scroll and look at pictures too, but the list will only grow as you make more art, and we just had to delete every picture because we ran out of memory. Again, not trying to sound condescending or controlling, I just don’t want to have every picture deleted again.[1]

  1. Supplemental: when doing art progress reports, could you just replace the old picture instead of making a new post? ↩︎


I can’t,its a C@nva

Idk then maybe just have a collage in your bio or something?


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I will make a thumbnail for ya



Bumble bee bump

i really want to do this but i have a lot of other thumbnails to make first

Sure, take your time. I’m not really expecting lots of thumbnails

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That’s really good. (Btw I’ll try to finish this thumbnail on the weekend)

ahhhhhhhhhg, i accidentally lost all my progress.
I’ll still do it but it might take me a while

is this still open, if so can i do one (after my other thumbnails)?

I forgor about this, whoops.

yea, you can if you want

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alright thx