Don't reply to this, this guy is calling people karens

Also can a regular put the resolved tag on this?

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what was this even about


So basically this post is literally just calling people who are trying to help and remind people about the rules “karens”.

That is NOT an excuse for you to be calling people names.
“CringeKarlScott didn’t get flagged for this” All he was doing was trying to get people to get back on-topic and stop doing thumbnail requests because they are not relevant to building in GKC. He was NOT calling people names.

Also, that is a clear example of hypocrisy.

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Can you put the resolved tag on this (If that is a feature for device)

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if you copy and paste the raw you get the original:

reliefr's post

reliefr | 2024-04-29 20:36:37 UTC | #1

[Inspired partially by things said by @CringeKarlScott]

I’ve been reading on this forum for a while now without an account, and, as we all know well, there are a lot of problems.

I think the biggest one is hypocrisy. It causes, like, everything.
But first, another perspective.

This is the biggest reason that the forum is dying.
I agree with this.
Well, actually, it’s this, paired with one other thing.

First, you’ve got what wingwave has said: people just don’t need any help anymore.

So with that in mind, you’d think the forum would just be kind of still, with no new topics, right?

Well, as you know, that’s not the case.

And that’s for two major reasons:
Off-topic posting, and hypocrisy.

First comes the off-topic posting.
People haven’t yet read the forum rules, so they don’t know what’s allowed and what’s not. They make, say, a thumbnail request post, and people explain to them that it’s not allowed. Generally, they acknowledge their mistake and close the topic.

This is okay. It’s not a problem…

Then comes the hypocrisy.

People who have read the forum rules and know exactly what they’re doing come along and see the new users’ posts.

Immediately, they think:

“Wait, this person got to make a thumbnail request post! Why can’t I? I know they got told not to do it again, but can’t I make just one?”

So they make just one.
Maybe they even actually stop at just one. (they usually don’t)
Immediately, they’re told that what they’re doing is against the rules.
(here comes the hypocrisy)

To summarize, people justify their own bad behavior by pinning the blame on other people who did the same thing.

WhereIsMyCrown gives a good interpretation of it here:

And that’s exactly what’s happening here.

Now, to go more in-depth (credit to the guardian):
You think you’re better than others.
Humans aren’t cold logical robots, and we typically have a higher opinion of ourselves than is warranted. Most humans have a self-serving bias, where we evaluate our own abilities and performance far more highly than is actually the case. People who achieve a certain level of intellectual achievement in certain contexts can reverse this, but we mostly think overly-well of ourselves.

It’s no surprise; the brain is riddled with cognitive and memory biases that are geared towards making us feel like we’re good and decent and capable, no matter what the reality. The problem is that our judgements of other people are far more “realistic”.

In some cases, this can lead to hypocrisy. A pilot would be well within her rights to stop an untrained person from assuming control of a plane, even though she does that all the time. This isn’t hypocrisy, this is simple acknowledgement of ability. Likewise, some people may tell others to do something and not do it themselves because they genuinely think they don’t need to do it, but the other inferior people need to be told. Not very nice, granted. May even not be a conscious decision. But it’s also not deliberate hypocrisy, if you look at it that way. Not that this makes any difference to the outcome, as far as most are concerned.

But why are people hypocritical in the first place?

Well, it’s just easier.

The problem with practising what you preach, or maintaining a high moral standard, is it’s work. You tell people to give money to charity or abstain from certain indulgences, this means you have to do these things too. But what if you just said you do these things, but didn’t? You get all the benefits of people thinking you’re a good and capable person, but you don’t have to practice any restraint. It’s win-win.

An example of this is on Wikipedia. Every year, they make an effort to get donations, as they run purely off of them. And guess what? In the popup that asks you to donate, there’s an “I already donated” button. It thanks you for donating and gets rid of the popups for you for two weeks. Again, you get all the benefits of people thinking you’re a good and capable person, but you don’t have to practice any restraint.

Humans are prone to the principal of least effort, often known as the “path of least resistance”, which means they’ll go for whatever option requires the least work. Hypocrisy allows you to appear principled without having to be so, which is much easier than adhering to strict principles. Modern politicians seem to have grasped this fact, making big speeches about all the great things they’ll do and then never doing any of them. Given how they seldom seem to suffer any consequences for their hypocrisy being revealed (i.e. any political event of 2016), why would they stop?

So yeah. If you read all of this and learned something, thank you.
I won’t ask for likes or anything, it’s not like they do anything.
I might ask that you quote this and share it when needed, because this wisdom is really something everyone here needs.

I hope this doesn’t cause any conflict.
Thank you, and goodbye.

Edit: fixed some grammar and formatting mistakes, and added a paragraph on an example of hypocrisy on Wikipedia. Also, 16 quotes already! Thanks for sharing the wisdom, everyone! And 143 views? Clearly I’ve delivered my message. Thanks for all the support!

Unfortunately, this topic has been closed (temporarily, luckily) as I expected, but for now, we can use @LlamaLady22’s wiki reply! Thanks :]

Edit 2: Wow, this was flagged and hidden (for a bit). I did expect this, and honestly, it took longer than I expected.


what is your obsession with the word karen? if you joined these forums not to be bossed around by random students, then you chose the wrong place to go.



that was the first post of its kind

hypocrisy or smth

we don’t need 69,420 duplicates of it

just one is enough

we don’t need clutter

sorry if its a old post


Bro that was my first thumbnail post i didn’t know before.

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no reason to get defensive, although I do think he could have blurred out the user name of the comments…


can I ask uh why the title says that?

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did you read the posts in the topic

stop replying


no I didn’t see the title says don’t reply so I was wondering if you guys forgot to change it to that.

but now I know and I will stop replying now.

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I think the title means what it says. It’s saying the post is stupid and someone is calling people karens.

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Can anyone tell me what this post said before it was flagged???

Here’s the raw:

I’m gonna stop replying now. Y’all should do the same…

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Big words don’t solve big problems :smile:

Take out the thing that say stoopid from the title, it is rude

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but theyare much easier to see

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