This Is Very Annoying

When I Go To Build This Happens:

I’ve Ignored This For 1 Month, It’s Just Annoying Now.

Honestly, this also happens to me on some other apps… it is impossible not impossible, I don’t know how to help. Try signing out then back in again? Or shutting down the device you are using.

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Close out the tab and re-open it. That might work. If this isn’t game breaking, it’s not too much of a big deal.

(how the heck does one achieve getting offtopic after 2 replies T_T)


Blackjack Maybe that won’t work…
If it has been ignored, maybe it isn’t just the game? Or… It’s tricking us :open_mouth:


Perhaps is just the game. @kirbyking, does this happen with other tabs as well?


then that’s not a gimkit problem, that’s a technical problem. My suggestion is to let a parent if it’s a home computer or IT know if it’s a school computer.

Exit and re-enter fullscreen.

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Oh Wait I Meant No @Blackjack

oh lol

I’m more of a bug solving guy, but i’ve never seen this before.
You should probably email

Here are my suggestions.

Shut down and reopen the same map.
Go in fullscreen


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