Thing about overlays

Is it possible to make two overlays show on the same corner?

I don’t think so, two active overlays will end up in one when game started.


Can you try and see if there is a way I gtg eat my food

Good question- I don’t believe so. I would have to test this.

Nope. If you do so, one of the overlays would appear.


What will you need 2 overlays on the same corner for?

Two texts one saying one this the other saying another

I tried, and one overlay will be hidden and the other one will appear, no matter which type of overlays are you using.

what do you mean?

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Think of it like a broadcast tv but in overlays

Why not on just the left and right sides? I think that will work the same way.

all my corners are filled with other ones

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Can I see the settings for both overlays?

Are the any unnecessary overlays? If so, maybe u can get rid of them so you’ll have room for others.

what do you have in each corner?


What if you just changes one to be:

I want them to show cuz its gonna be showing what colors your looking for the end the puzzle

Sorry this is not possible D:

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