The Ultimate Guide to Undertale/Deltarune [ 📜 ]

this is actually really cool! i like seeing technical guides like this recreating popular games (I tried to make one of ftf but I never finished it)

I hope we can finish this, and id kill to see the finished product.

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Mettaton Neo & Normal Mettaton seems to be easier to make compared to Mettaton EX.

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Favorite Undertale Boss Song?

Favorite Boss Song in Undertale
  • Ghost Fight
  • Heartache
  • Dogsong
  • BoneTrousle
  • Dummy!
  • Spear of Justice
  • Metal Crusher
  • Spider Dance
  • Wrong Enemy
  • Death by Glamor
  • Amalgam Themes
  • Asgore
  • Your Best Nightmare
  • Hopes and Dreams/Save the World
  • Battle Against a True Hero
  • Megalovania
0 voters
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I also like Dummy!, spear of justice, spider dance, metal crusher, and

I’m okay with this poll being here but if we end up chatting about it BH will take it down so let’s not do that.

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Fishy Bump!
< • , =3

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Gonna take a small break from guides (that last one took a number on me) and then start working on an update!


Sounds good! have a nice break, you deserve it.




Bump, this is very good guide so it deserves to be bumped:))

def nothing here


grr that’s not undertale ketchup sprite image

Another bump
Still nothing up there

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oh, I still can’t find you :sob:

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Bump, because I want to try making this now :D
and also because the guide is cool!

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hey I was just wondering, if its ok with you @harharharhar83 , I’m working on my own deltarune encounter system. may I add it here?

Sure! It’s a community wiki. How are you having the enemies chase the players if I may ask?

I haven’t gotten to that part yet lol, I was planning on working on the battle system first, for now I’m just having a trigger to engage in a battle. later I could make it if you get to close to a sentry.

How would your battle system work? When in range (or when you step into a zone) would you activate the sentry or activate its gadget (after disabling it), or would you just use the change size feature(?)