[📜] The Ultimate Guide To Doors (Roblox Doors)

Did you all just flag my salute to Landyn :pensive: thats so cruel. I just wanted to let you all know he is gone and we should always remember him

And if your all are still waiting for an update, im trying i am just yet too lazy and busy i promise a big update will come soon


I have a question can you do smt about the broken images on the ring multiplayer guide

read this:

dang that sucks : (

yeah but we just got to deal with it and restore our guides

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Lets stop acting down its a easy fix most of the time just delete a letter in url then readd the letter

that doesn’t work anymore, I tried it multiple times on my own guide, then just decided to take new pictures.

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Yes, and if that’s what you did for yours it didn’t work

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Well whatever happened it should work atleast most of time it may be because of type of img so really idk

No, it won’t work. When Josh cleared the images it removed them from the server all together. What the image URL did was link into the image inside of Gimkit Forums’s servers. That’s what I’ve gather based on the fact that if you try to open the image in a new tab you get a 404 error.


are trying to say images don’t work bec they deleted pics in the update for some reason

Not what im getting at, i mean drectly in this message, yknow that long code that happens when you insert a img? The mumble jumbo at the end is the url

NOT THE forums url, all josh did for images was turn them off becaue the url is pretty much the files name still in your device just retype a letter in url

they broke images they don’t work!

Yes, the URL that the image links too has been completely removed from Forum’s servers. There for changing the link doesn’t work.

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they won’t gimkit to be safe thats why they do that to images

Well im sorry if it aint working for you but it worked for me

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No, that’s not why, read this

I’m trying to tell you, it didn’t work. The entire guide’s images aren’t there.

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Gosh darnit it must of broke on accident i will try to fix that when i get on computer and hopefully the editing actually loads instead of going to error

Pal. The changing the letter in the URL doesn’t work. You have to retake all the images. That’s what I’m trying to say.

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