The Ultimate Guide to Ancient/Historical Artifacts!

Why hello there! It’s been a long time since I’ve made a guide and now today, I’ll present to you the artifacts!

The Greek Column!

Step 1: Get a white barrier and make the alpha 1 and have no border. Make it into a tall rectangle shape!

Step 2: Get two more white barriers and this time you make them thinner rectangles. Place them on top!

Step 3: Put white barriers the width of those on top (3) and place them on the bottom.

Step 4. get a barrier and make it a reddish-purplish tint and place it like this.

Step 5: Now repeat that color-step for three long horizontal lines! Place them like this!

And you’re done!
By BrownSugarAlien

Liberty Bell

Step 1: Make an outline with dark brown barriers like this. (There are two circle barriers on the top)
Step 2: Fill it in with the same colored barriers.
Step 3: Make structure with dark grey barriers like this:

Step 4: Add a little h.o.ok by using small thin rectangles. (This will hold the “bell”)

Step 5: A cool part is to add a dark grey barrier that looks like this.

Over here, in the trapezoid looking spot.

Step 6: Add the bell on the h.o.ok!

Step 7: Add some reflection!

Step 8: Add the crack by using black barriers. And some reflection at the top using one long light grey barrier.

Finally. Get a brown barrier, with a darker one on top of it. And have the it say: In God We Trust. Make that Rye font.

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed!
By BrownSugarAlien

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  1. If you are TL1, or TL2, you need permission from me to edit.
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  3. Still show me the “object” you have created.
  4. Please don’t add anything that doesn’t relate to this guide. Visible or not.

And I checked the forums for this so I hope I didn’t make anything someone else made :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:.


i could try making this :point_right:


That would be great @Spydecraft245!

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Nice. Too Short Thoe.

Might Get Taken Down.

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More things will get added soon. I’ve started out like this before for my sweets guide.
You want to add something @Quack_QuackG?

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I might, soon. I think a lighthouse would be cool :slight_smile:
I’ll add that tomorrow.

Historical Lighthouse… But maybe a modern one.

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You know mount olympus, that Greek mountain (I think) we could rotate a grey square or a rectangle barrier to look like mountains and add smaller white squares on top for the snow. [1]
Screenshot 2025-01-03 10.43.42 PM

  1. I have 5 million other ideas :0 ↩︎

You can tell me the ideas.

  • Pyramids
  • Grey Statues of ancient gims
  • Scrolls
  • Clay Pots and Bowls
  • Silver Coins
  • Gold Coins
  • Mirrors
  • Gold crowns
  • Mummies
  • Spears
  • Reed Baskets (rattan based material)
  • Wooden Chests
  • Clay Jars (Stacked)
  • Cypress Trees
  • Compass

Anyone can use these ideas

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Do whichever one is easiest for you @Peridotite. I love the ideas.

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Messed up on the coin :frowning:

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i think its pretty good

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That is very good! You should add that to the guide! And maybe tell where it’s from?

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Oh yeah… I kind of just MADE a coin from memory of what coins look like… and I sort of deleted it…

:expressionless: Oh. Well it did look good.

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Ouch the lines on the columns are misaligned. Either don’t tilt them, there is literally no need to, or press shift.

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It’s just glitchy @Thats_Gimpossible. Very staticy. If it was misaligned, I would notice immediately.

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Yep. 100% positive.

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