The Toxic way to make an anagram!

So, this is a guide on how to randomize the letters in the text.


Pros: It randomly can rearrange text.
Cons: The letters can repeat.
For this guide, I am rearranging the word “gimkit”.

Final product

Step 1

Get 12 properties. 6 of them are number properties, (default settings) and 6 text properties (default settings). Name them, Letter1 and Letter1Text. Do that for all six letters.

Now, get 7 triggers.
5 of them are like this:
1 of them is like this:
And the other one is like this:
Lastly, get a text. The text should have these blocks.

Achievement Earned! ***Block Novice***
Step 2

This is the real block-heavy part. Go into the last trigger we talked about. Put this code:

And now, for the 6 other triggers:

Do the same for each one, with Letter 1 stuff on one trigger, Letter 2 on another trigger, and so on. DO NOT put it for the trigger that does the randomization.

Achievement Earned! ***Block expert***

Make a text, with your text in it with no blocks. When receiving on textRand, deactivate text. And on textRand, activate the anagram text with a delay of 1 on a wire repeater!

And you should be done! Wait, I’m missing something…

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If you have any feedback, make sure to let me know!


Nice guide Toxic!
I wonder if you could animate out the anagram, so each letter moves to its new position…

How come? Also… bonus?

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Edit: I tried, but it didn’t work. But… there is a bonus.

I couldn’t make it move, but I added the word in bonus and made it fade out and the new word comes in.

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We already have like millions of anagrams guides
we dont need anymore ahhhh

Can you link them?

@CustomCoaster look.

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The name just does not fit


Toxic means bad or evil The Toxic way to make an anagram sound like the mean or evil way to make an anagram


By that logic, do you think I’m evil?