HELLO THERE!!! You already know why I’m here, The Museum of Gimkit!! was delayed because there was Power Outage But don’t worry because the power is back, I can start working on it, I need tons of help with the exhibits and more, tell me who you want me to add, and how to make it look, probably what gimkit creative maps, or gimkit original maps, or something that you like, just ping me if you have any more questions
wow this sounds like a great idea for people who want nostalgia (like me) or new players who want to see what gimkit was like before the 2D (if your that OG like me) but you could add npcs of gims that haven’t been in the shop for the longest times like a leaderboard
This sounds cool ! you could have an exhibit for each game mode released and add the gims that were released with it in it.
you could make a hall of secrets where you could put the secrets of some modes like the safe in tag and the gimfish
could you add my journey throughout the forums first starting with my first guide and how I have changed? maybe for every old member you give them a whole section talking about their journey
You should put all of the lore in a lore section and have like skeletons and writings like an actual museum to, is this a map?
what would a gim skeleton exactly look like?
Bonesy correct and also like the season ticket writing on the walls and stuff. Also put the gimfish as the first gim.
Boy How I love being related to a Fish
A flag alerted me here
After reading, I realized this looks like it is trying to showcase a game while trying to give ideas at the same time so please edit the topic so there’s no mention of [game name]
This seems like a great idea, but there are a couple things in your post you might want to consider editing out.
First off, don’t ask for the season ticket, it’s cringe. Your first couple sentences and the last one is worded that could be considered as advertising. Please remove them or re-word them, thanks!
cuckoo bird if your on wix you could get ST holders to place the devices down for you
museum of gimkit huh
feels like it would be a wiki (internet wise not post wise)
or somethin forum based lol
(currently thinking of all the previous forum based games and wondering how they turned out >_<)