The Legend Of The Three Islands-Thumbnails (VERY Complex)

:warning:: This will continue for a LONG time, since I am making three chapters and all are very detailed.

Chapter One

Title: The Legend Of The Three Islands
Summary: You are a kid named Cyclonix, and one day you are struck by lightning suddenly. The gods give you the power to run faster than the speed of sound but barely. You are not able to run faster. Later, a evil threat named Maglovoanix threatens the islands.
Setting: Water with a few waves, and you are behind the gim. Also, on the horizon is a beam of red, blue, and white.
Gims and more: A gray flux gim running over the water with a trail of black and blue going behind him.

Chapter 2

Title: A Power To Break
Summary: You find da Chaos Rascals and are granter air shoes (kinda like shadow’s from sonic) that let him move faster than the speed of light.
Setting: A sky with a space station in orbit.
Gims: That same flux gim, but with a aura of pink, teal, purple, black, white, and red around him.

Chapter 3




You know what? I’ll try Chapter 1.



Might start on them a few days from now…

I might try for this one… Kind of complicated tho.

Anybody done yet, or want to help?

No chance. When’s the deadline?

No deadline, @Toxic. Also, can you stack effects on a speed modifier? Because 4x is Not Fast Enough. It needs to be at least 6 or 10.

I don’t think so.

What do you possibly need that for.

ah you know the effect of running over water.

That’s why.

Umm… Make it like, deactivate props when you reach this point and activate them a little farther back.

ok, i might make a help topic on it.

anyone done or want to help?


Please stop being impatient. Please?
No, I’m not done, it’s a hard ask. But I’ve been making steady progress.

Sorry, I can be inpatient.

Anyone want to help make a thumbnail?

@here The game is opening on March 20, 2025 due to a LOT of bugs, if you are curious.

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More time for me 2 make a thumnail. :smiley:
Currently very busy so i need to wait awhile to start on this one.