The Jester Ideas?

So, I’ve been plotting development on Chapter 2 of my horror game, “The Jester’s Circus.” There are 65 doors in it, (planned, not started development,) so here are edit: multiple factors I need yall to help me with!

  1. What door does the jester appear on? (The Jester spins a wheel, giving you items or damage if you spin on something.)
  2. What should be the items/rewards on the wheel?
  3. Dialogue?
  4. If yall give me dialogue to make, should he/she be goofy or serious and cold
  5. What gender
  6. Have a good day!

about the first one I think you might need blocks for a wheel

and I think items on the wheel should have speed or extra health
this is right now I could think of but I hoped this helped you

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Alright! This was still very helpful! Have a good day :smiley: other people can help me get more ideas since I’m very lazy to think about ideas :confused:

dont forget @MustardWithKetchup that you run out of replies and topics on your first day.

Oh, I’m very new. How much replies and topics allowed a day?

idk but i think 3 topics and 15 replies

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Oh, alright! Thanks for telling me!

your welcome! no problem

  1. Door #47
  2. I’m not sure tbh… maybe whichever currency, medkits/shield cans, stuff to unlock other rooms, gadgets, etc.
  3. As (kinda) always, I have slight writers block, so I may/may not write dialogue rn.
  4. Make them goofy.
  5. No gender (Either that or They/Them)?? If not, go with female (She/Her).

Ok, lemme just-
Uno Reverse Holographic Credit Card ...

You have a good day too! : D


yummy cards- (post deleted by author, nomming noises)

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