The Coder's Mindset

Pictures aren’t really gonna be used bc it’s more of a words thingy

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From 7th dragon’s profile

I mean there’s an e instead of u but still

I’m not sure…

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It says to not use without permission though. . . I’m just reposting what kosmo said I think.
(Ik it’s jk)

Reusable Bump if you come across it.

the whole point of a comments section in a topic is so people can talk about it. reusable bumps (in my opinion) make no sense. If you were to argue they prevent “clutter” well

(was a reusable bump)

looks like more clutter to me…

@eiqcrmeliutgwhc can you add me back to stache’s thing or were you removed too?


Thats also part of a reason of why i actually ignore reusable bumps and reply anyways tho peeps usually get angry at me for it but idrc

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Bro when I post a reusable bump people get mad at me when its not the last post, otherwise its usless. People also get mad at me when its suppost to be the last comment. idrk what to do lol.

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I suggest to not make large amounts of wiki bumps.
Also, if users get mad at you for the second thing you mentioned, just don’t reply to the users who are angry.

let’s try to keep the posts we make relevant to the original topic.


You think for yourself thats what you do as long as you have a reason good enough to you. you do it it dont matter what people say im not saying i stand with you or anyone else but im saying is learn from mistakes think about what you did wrong and improve in your own little way if people hate you ignore them and stand strong in your opinion unless you find a mistake in your reasoning you dont give up its okay to admit mistakes and this is one of your first on the forums so go ahead learn from it bud i believe you can be a good regular you just have to think and actually try (eh well bit too late jt lol as long as we dont start an argument or continue this for like 12-20 replies im purdy sure we’re fine)


Thanks. I’ve learned from my mistakes for a while. I generally tend to do what most people like, but I’ve never found that with those bumps, and I wasn’t expecting to get Regular yesterday. Just yet another mistake.

I’m leaving before this turnes into anything else. Cya topic.