The Book Refuge.e Thumbnails for a Game

Hello, I am asking anyone who has read the book if they can make a Thumbnail of this. P.S Adrplays

Not a lot of people have read the book [1] so you might want to include a picture, and use the thumbnail format!

  1. Great book ↩︎

Ok just someone running away from a group would be fine

you mean the one by alan gratz?

1 Like

Yes this is the one that I was talking about

oohh thats such a great book I may do this then

Alan gratz’s books are amazing
yea i’ll make thumbnail


I’ll get back to you tomorrow on if I’m doing it!
My most recent piece was a pfp for someone on a different forum:

My progress 25-30%

Me actually putting in more work in the shading
The background looks trash but trust the process


I’m not gonna do it, sorry! Things came up. Hope you can understand!

Thank you for helping me this is great!! keep it up!!

When you are done tell me I will be looking at this time around week days