The Atoms of Gimkit

Not if you use 512 counters.

Who would do that

(no offense)

But the counters must be tied to a property.

Yeah. Tie them all to the same one. With enough patience you will have 638 different numbers stored.

So you have 512 counters connected to the same property, but how do you reference the different counters?

With different channels.

Can you do a real-life example?

Like what?

Any example.

You have counter one be that both increment and decrements on “get 1”. You have counter 2 be same as well. Now have them both tied to a number property “prop”. So you call the 1st counter’s number by broadcasting on “get 1” and the 2nd counter’s stored number by broadcasting on “get 2”.


A flag system could be replicated with a barrier, a button, an item granter, a zone, and a checker. This would probably save memory.


True but the flag aesthetic


We had a CTF guide on the old forums before they came out with the device.

It do be vibing and chilling.


What does CTF mean?

Capture the flag.


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Yeah some other ones you might not know are;
One Way Out- OWO
Snowy Survial- SS
Capture the Flag- CTF
FishTopia- FT
SnowBrawl- SB
Farm Chain- FC
Tag Domination- TD or Toug
Just some tips on the shourtend version of gimkit names.

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Thanks, (time to update the guide)

Your welcome, and what guide?