Terraria in Gimkit

I was wondering on how I could make terraria in gimkit with the platformer mode. I was thinking on using the dynamic blocks for the ground but that’s about it right now. Suggestions would be nice.


Maybe add some passive NPC’S?
And some aggressive NPC’S.

Maybe a house with supplies

Just remember Gimkit is limited, when people try to make Minecraft in Gimkit, or in your case Terraria.

It’s challenging

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It would be really hard to make it, but I believe in you, I’ll be watching this topic in case you need help with something, senteries could work for the bosses and if you have the season ticket, the skin things could work as npc’s
Good luck!


Talking about the endless world generation, no, that’s impossible.
But you could design a smaller non-random world with a few set quests to beat the game
idk I know nothing about terraria

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I suggest scaling the world to look like real Terraria Ex.5 block gap at the entrance of caves

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can you give an example of the ex.5 block gap because I don’t know what that is



No way you use Duolingo that’s crazy

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Would a gimkit map even have enough memory for something like this?

yes though it would take like 20 % memory