Tagging teams help

it’s because lifecycle → relay makes it send a message for every player (because the relay’s default setting is all players). All in all, it’s a player counter.

any photos? I could use some help in that area

could someone else do that?

sure Im just asking in general if they could take what u did and add photos
I like visualaids It adds security that what I’m doing is correct

Hold on there’s a simpler way. Instead of having the properties, just add a target of zero to the counter. When it reaches the target, wire to a trigger that is not active on game start. Wire that trigger to a end game device.
Next, get a lifecycle, and a wire repeater. The wire repeater should have a 1.0 second delay. Wire the lifecycle to the wire repeater, then to the trigger so that it activates the trigger.
Everything else should stay the same as @061626’s method.

Ok, yeah of course.


I haven’t been GKC-ing in a while.

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Here I can show pictures

Neither have I, I’ve just been doing this for way too long.

Oh wait idea to make it even better!
Ditch the second part of what I was saying, with the trigger. Instead, just make the counter have a default of 1, and get to relays. The one from the lifecycle should be “random player”, and wire to another one “all other players”.
Even better!

If you show pictures could you show my updated version? ⇈

Hang on hang on Im bit confused sry but what would be from the lifecycle

and then after making your part do I use this to replace the property?

is this correct so far?

Umm, no. I’ll just show the pictures myself.