I need help with how to make a system where I have different levels and I want the host to choose the levels and make the selections like if the map uses checkpoints or not, and what the level is. I have checkers and I don’t want to use item granters. Does anyone know what to do? I’m guessing it has something to do with property and I don’t know much about property and/or blocks. Help!
You can have buttons and counters/triggers update properties to something. Then, use the checkers to check whether the properties have a specific value.
So what you do is the buttons for checkpoints will have a property called checkpoint. Then, use triggers (I Believe) so that when the buttons are pressed, they trigger and update the property accordingly. Lets say you picked yes. That would be 1 in the property that would be a number property. The trigger would update the property to 1 if the on button was pressed. Then, make the off button 2. the checker will check for either 1 or 2 and then activate/deactivate accordingly. You can repeat this for the other ones.
I’m sorry, but I’m such a noob with properties. Can you send some screenshots to help me understand what to do? Or, if you understand what @GKCCreator49 is talking about, @G-Code549 , can you send some screenshots?
I know, I just have never used properties EVER. I’ve been with gk for 3 years and I’ve never used properties. Can you pls explain/send pics @G-Code549 ?