System for checking buttons clicked

I need help with how to make a system where I have different levels and I want the host to choose the levels and make the selections like if the map uses checkpoints or not, and what the level is. I have checkers and I don’t want to use item granters. Does anyone know what to do? I’m guessing it has something to do with property and I don’t know much about property and/or blocks. Help!

Here is an image of what I’m asking for:


I have a things like this, but for energy. so I will modify it for cheackpoints

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@G-Code549 see above

Here’s a guide similar to what you’re asking for.

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I don’t want a randomizer though…

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can’t you just set buttons on each level and if he wants check points leave it and if he don’t then activate barriers that block the check point

You can have buttons and counters/triggers update properties to something. Then, use the checkers to check whether the properties have a specific value.

Idk how to do any of that…check the image at the top bc that is what I’m trying to do.

So what you do is the buttons for checkpoints will have a property called checkpoint. Then, use triggers (I Believe) so that when the buttons are pressed, they trigger and update the property accordingly. Lets say you picked yes. That would be 1 in the property that would be a number property. The trigger would update the property to 1 if the on button was pressed. Then, make the off button 2. the checker will check for either 1 or 2 and then activate/deactivate accordingly. You can repeat this for the other ones.

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Make sure to mark a solution once methods tested.

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I’m sorry, but I’m such a noob with properties. Can you send some screenshots to help me understand what to do? Or, if you understand what @GKCCreator49 is talking about, @G-Code549 , can you send some screenshots?

(So sorry)

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I can’t right now but your fine! I’ll try to find time. I have a big piano recital today

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oh yes its simpler than you think

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I know, I just have never used properties EVER. I’ve been with gk for 3 years and I’ve never used properties. Can you pls explain/send pics @G-Code549 ?

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Screenshot 2024-12-07 9.25.41 AM
I have no idea why you’d need this

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Oh…but what does the property do?

it increases by 1and if it equals to 1 it means the button was clicked



1st, create a property with these settings:

Property Name: [Whatever you want to name it]
Property Type: Number
Default Value: 0
Property Scope: Global

2nd, create a counter with these settings:

Update Property: Yes
Property to Update: [Property name]
Use Target Value: Yes
Starting Value: 2

3rd, create a checker with these settings:

Featured Settings:

When the check passes, transmit on: [A channel that triggers on “yes”]
When the check fails, transmit on: [A channel that triggers on “no”]

Check #1 Settings:

Check Type: Value of Property
Property: [Property name]
Use Target Value: Yes
Comparison: Equal to
Value: 1


Wire the “yes” button to the counter:

Button pressed → Decrement Counter

Wire the “no” button to the counter:

Button pressed → Increment Counter

Wire the property to the checker:

Property value changed → Run check

This should work.

I might make this into a guide.


Thank you so much @Apollo ! I will try it right now. Thanks for your help too @G-Code549

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can’t you just make buttons and if he presses no then activate barrers blocking it