Guys remember to stay on topic.
oops sorry shouldn’t have said that🤣ok @WSG I will stay on topic
Logging off for now, baseballking7 if my method isn’t working,(It should if you leave the zone after each time you respawn in it)then I don’t really know what else to say.
that’s alright thank you I’m logging off in a sec too
I had some friends test it with me and they ran around inside the zone but when I pressed the button nothing happened
I literally gave you a tutorial
ya I know the tutorial u gave me eliminates the one pressing the buttons when they move too
use the guides linked, but replace the person with a randomizer.
welcome to the gimkit community, hope this place treats you well
I want the person to be able to press the buttons just they get unalived when they try to move (another acceptable thing is it automatically becomes green light 2 seconds after red)
I tried to make it so that it automatically turns to green light after 2 seconds but it just makes it so once someone get eliminated then its green light and I cant figure out how to fix it
ohh mb and somebody said I was mean to a beginner so mb if I came off mean I didn’t mean to