Split-Screen Co-op Research!

Hi, I just had a wonderful idea. what if we use player controllable props for Split-Screen co-op, I know its not practical I just want to find it out because Split-Screen is cool!


Can you explain more?
I have no idea what you mean by


We have side-by-side gameplay, with a wall in between the players?
Or do you want a coordinate system tracking the players, activating barriers showing where the players are, like a map or I can’t think of something else I am confuzzled by what you want ranting ranting hfkudashfl,adkhjnfdljfbsunbdfkjvsfnv…

What do you want, exactly…?


if you use safari you can use a split screen for both

I think this would be… so cool I know how to make to players from one but no

You can use split screen anywhere, and… that’s not what they were talking about. They wanted built-in split screen. Or in-game whaddyacallit


(bruh I am done with this)

Just have the players close to each other and make each be in enclosed spots.

would the players be on one device or two different devices

I still have no clue what fleet is trying to do…

Yo bro, add the clay-institute tag to this. This would be mind-blowing if it was to be discovered

well if you used custom keybinds and then made a prop that moved with those keybinds then the player could also have a prop to move it wouldn’t necessarily be split-screen but it would be 2 players on one keyboard

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basically I’m trying to recreate couch co-op but in GKC
for no reason other than it would be cool!


Split-screen is impossible. There can only be one camera view or camera point taking priority over the screen at a time, and I do not see how you could possibly get past that issue.

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that was why the clay-institute tag is there, its impossible for right now, however could become possible in the future. please keep the tag there, as it is there for a reason.

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No, if there is no/very little research to be done, then it doesn’t deserve the clay institute tag.

In fact, it appears you haven’t done actual research in Gimkit despite creating the topic.

Unless there are proper theories or actual results/testing, split-screen doesn’t deserve the tag.


I am not having this argument today, for one, I cant do research because I kinda am VERY busy, I have like 2 clubs at school I have to work on, I need to do scouts on Mondays, and on the other 2 days I have homework.
I do have a theory, you can toggle camera points on click of a button, to see where the other player is its a camera toggle.

Question. How do you want to do split screen. There are 2 options:

A. The entire thing is ran in a single tab
B. The entire thing is ran in a single tab but there is a second tab open to act as the second player

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@Blackhole927 said that nothing is impossible

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How many times do people have to say this-
I won’t say the statement is false, I will say it is solely for the purpose of inspiring. People have got to stop saying “Nothing is impossible and BH himself said it”.

Some things are impossible.

Some things are impossible, at the moment.

This isn’t worth researching unless Team Gimkit adds a global/team/player setting to camera points, or they fix the camera point bug.

That’s what I said. Get back on topic, or wait-
no, don’t. We really should put this to rest. Let’s not bump it anymore…

@twofoursixeight, sorry for the ping, but I think this topic should be closed.

1. Researching this would get nowhere, except for discoveries that are barely relevant, like bugs. This would make the topic have about 20-30% off-topic posts, and it would get bumped for basically nothing except for occasionally having “determination outbreaks”- people saying that this might be possible, and h=then say that it isn’t.

2. This is basically another name for a “How would we make 2 camera points work at the same time” topic, and that would be useless too, because of point 1. Device topics like these rarely get the right solutions, and Bitwise operations were math, not exploiting the game or installing mods. Most people here wouldn’t be able to access mods, not to mention the younger kids on the GKC site.

3. This would get flooded with new users looking to do something like this, and bump it over and over again without reason. I get that they’re new, but point 1 and 2 have already explained things that could happen and things that have already happened. This take an extra slot in the Latest page, and about 50% of the users don’t try to look down at the old topics, some of which are worth researching.

We just need to put this to rest.


They aren’t possible, yet