Space survival game just help and ideas in general

so i made a survival game where you crash on mars and live off potatoes you escape
and then crash at sea where you fish fix the engine to then win but its sandbox so you can live on mars for the rest of your life if you want or take some resources with you to build when you win any more ideas to add to it its pretty full fledged but i feel like it could have more

Can you please move the title?
Move it to Help. Thank you!

oh okay i just put it their cus i dont know if its againts the rules to leave it open forever to keep getting suggestions

You can’t edit stuff forever…
Sigh sigh sigh

i mean i could make a part 2

is the last image mars? because that is more Earth to me

no its the part where you crash in the ocean

and what about the other images?

mars and space ship i made the entire place using props to be creative

Just saying something, I could use a bit of a VoidFluffy right now. WHAT IS THAT GRAMMAR-

Also I can be harsh.

i really dont care about it also where are the suggestions
this isnt a chat!!!

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I’m outta here bye see yall

its not a cusssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

I am still summoning a mod for reasons and to keep an eye here
@Bird or @InkyDarkBird


okay good this isnt meant to be a chat

that edit came outa nowhere

Hey there,
I don’t mean to be a stickler for the rules, but we try to keep things extra appropriate as there are ages from 13 (well, technically we have a few eight year olds every now and then, but…) to end of high school here, so…

In fact, you are right that this isn’t a chat. But we also shouldn’t call each other out on grammar.

For your game, I’d add classes, a health system, boss battles, objectives, a UI, sentries, layer your terrain, add some parkour jumps, and look for some more ideas using idea-catalog. Let me know if you want any specifics or elaboration.


Add a way to get to the other planets and fight the sun for dominance of the solar system
you get things to defeat it by visiting each planet

survival not fighting