So I need ideas for a big boss

So, I am finishing the ending to one of my games, but I need the sentry to look like a big boss. I need to know what props and things to use on a sentry so it looks like a boss. ( It needs to be medieval-themed. )


okay give me some time to get a build for ya.

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Maybe a giant flippin spider?

A dark magic knight! Like purple-ish with some shadow balls

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Or a giant flippin spider.

Use the armor stand over the sentry and dye it purple. Then add some more props or barriers around it. It can use a quantum portals for the shadow balls.

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And make it’s minions giant flippin spiders.

okay back give me a second…

Yes. And the giant flipping purple spiders.

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but with a sentry under it!..quick build…or maybe these are the guards and you have a huge king between them…(if you do want that tell me and ill make a giant king boss build)

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Maybe one of these: (I recommend putting the sentry on the bottom layer.)


Sorry I didn’t answer, ( Due to teacher blocking things in the middle of nowhere) But these are Awesome :star_struck:

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