So I want to make it so that when someone votes they get what they voted (ex. Would you rather recieve a gimberry or gimfish?)
I also want it so that they can’t vote on the same thing more than once
Hello! I am going to make a guide about how to make a game mode to see if your friends know you well and stuff. how it works is you or whoever is randomly picked will ask a question (any question) but if it’s wrong you click a button to make them get knocked out.
What devices you need:
lifecycle 1x
relay 1x
spawn pads 2x
team switcher 1x
buttons x4
zones 2x
laser beams 12x
let’s get started
so first you need some thing like this but 3x as big
[Screenshot 2023-12-05 7.05.06 PM]
then …
This is inspired by my and @JoeTheChicken ’s guides for map ideas.
The Steps Set up your two choices like this.
<a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="" title="Screenshot 2023-10-26 10.50.08 PM">[Screenshot 2023-10-26 10.50.08 PM]</a>
Ummm maybe this will help?
It sounds like it could help, it I don’t have enough time to read it tonight. I will tommorow tho. Thx!
March 16, 2024, 2:05am
Make two buttons that deactivate when you push them with text above displaying what choices are available.
Make two player scoped buttons, two counters, and two properties. The counters update their property, and when a time limit is up, use block code to check which one is greater. (Use comparison signs in the math area.)
March 16, 2024, 3:28pm
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