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This game is called The Levels wich in inspired by Super Mario World!
Gims: Shadeborn and a custom Mario Gim i made please also make Mario’s brother Luigi (just please make them look better then the drawing i gave as a example
The Themes that i would recomend are
Pixlated Theme
Old like sandy theme
Snowy Theme
Farm Theme
OH and if you want me to refrence anything in my game i could put it in the level wich will be called Too Many Refrences

Good morning, I would like to try making the thumbnail

“used translator”

Go ahead and what do you mean by used translator do you mean you used google translate?

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yes I’m in Poland and I live there and it is 4:32 am and I speak Polish and don’t understand English so I translated so you guys understand what i’m saying

Oooooooooooh yeah im in florida and it is 10:35 PM at night

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oooh I have school in a little bit :pensive:

Ok just work on it at anytime there is no due date yet anyways ima go to bed

it crazy I live in Eurupe and you in north America and there are different times plus I have to study for our finally tesy

FINAL TEST AH HECK NAH THOSE ARE THE WORST I HATE THOSE anyways what grade are you in im in 7th :((

I’m in 7th and I hate my school we have a history test

NICE in 7th :slight_smile: i did not expect that but i am not gonna lie this is kinda like if i had a long distence freind lol

yeah, do you want to be my friend? are you a boy or girl? It is important that we know in our coulter sorry you dont have to answer it

uhm what if i said boy?

Nothing I’m so sorry

Your fine and yes i want to be your freind (I am a boy by the way)

Please stop posting off topic things. also I’d advice not sharing your grades, as some 7th graders are 12 which is underage.

oh and how do you flag>

what do you mean under age

they mean that in order to have an acount you have to be at least 13 but no body relly cares about that rule

oh and if this gets flagged how will i message you???