So... I need a little bit of ideas

I’m currently working on a map called “You are the thief” where you play as a falsely accused thief trying to clear your name. The challenge is to find evidence to prove your innocence and identify the real culprit. But I need some ideas on what can add to the map. What ideas can you guys come up with?

a player can be a jury and make it so they have to make him inoccent

i would make some secret tunnels, false and true evidence(like notes, DNA samples, foot prints, etc), multiple endings, one good one bad, and one weird.


maybe a team of sabotagers tht try to get him arrested

  1. side quests
  2. sentries that try to kill you
  3. lots of scenery
  4. hint towards who it is during the game
  5. make someone who it seems like it guilty to distract you
  6. some random dumb person
  7. endings
    Secret Endings To Add To Your Map: Reply With More Ideas
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You can add sentries for you to interrogate. Plus, you should add a number of clues around the map.

like a corrupt cop? not a bad idea.

thank you!

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If you’re trying to make like a thieft game, try making like lots of cash or put something thieves take.

Probably isn’t relevant, but you could have a treasure map that the player “picks up, in quotes because you can’t really do that” Once they pick up the map add an overlay that when selected teleports them. When they get teleported they should arrive at a place that makes it look like they are walking on the map, like its zoomed in or something (will prob have to send a pic), they can go to a certain part of that walkable map, and they will teleport to the place in the actual map.


Kind of. But, like in the beginning you wake up and you are in jail, and then they find you awake, and tell you this:
Screenshot 2024-02-15 12.34.17 PM

So like are they going to escape xD or search the prison for clues


Yup. That’s basically part of the game ( The first part of the game )

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Wait, but when you escape, you are guilty right?

When you escape, they think you are guilty, but you aren’t and you have to prove it.

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ohhh, now i get it.
I gtg, but good luck on your map!


So, like maybe there is a like a wanted rating 5 stars. Maybe every 5-10 minutes the rating goes up by one star, every time it goes up obi things get more dangerous, maybe sentries spawning in trying to take you out like a bounty, whilst you are finding clues~

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Kinda like in GTA how that works. I can try… ( If you know what GTA is )

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Lol yes, kinda ish where the idea came from


I used the notification device… kinda like this:
Screenshot 2024-02-15 12.43.01 PM

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