Should I use top down or platforming?

As of right now, I have 1 precious slot left for a map [1]. However, I don’t have any ideas yet on what game I should make. This leaves me with two options:

A: start rn and make a top down map

B: wait until later in the year and make a platforming map

These both have their pros, but I really can’t decide what I should do. On one hand, I can come up with an idea and then start right away. But, I already have made a lot of top down maps.

On the other hand, I can try out some map ideas that wouldn’t work in top down, plus my friend already has plans for his three map slots, so we’d both be able to try out platforming. But, I don’t know when platforming will be available for everyone, so I’d be stuck doing nothing for a bit.

I really cannot decide. So I’m asking the community what I should do.

what type of game?
  • Wait and make a platformer map!
  • Start rn and make a top down map!
0 voters

  1. no season ticket :pensive: ↩︎


this is kind of a me thing, but whether on paper or in a test map, i always plan things out perfectly.
every detail and/or design i plan. so, maybe start planning a platforming map and then when platforming releases you can actually make it.

idk js a suggestion


do top down so there wont be all platformer.

What do you mean?

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it was sort of a joke, but when Platformer comes out everyone will make a map like it. Also use spare account for + maps.

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True true.

I would make another account, but then I wouldn’t have any of my skins, and I’m just too lazy lol

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yeah it takes awhile to get 50 levels

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It depends on the type of map for me
Cafe/story kinda maps → top down
Parkour-type maps → platformer

I don’t have a plan for the map. I just want to chose what game mode first

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First you should get a plan since it’ll be a waste of time if its in the wrong game-mode :smile:


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Platforming won!
Hopefully it comes out soon

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