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Start working on a BR map!
Well…this is your personal choice, you should be responsible yourself to decide if you should keep it or delete it.
i need your opinion. I’m not even close with OVERGROWN but also want a br map without purchasing stuff or deleting my other maps.
Your choice! I think you should do a BR map
This is off-topic.
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It’s a pve map where the player has to capture 5 towns and defend against evil plant beings on a remote planet
Whenever I can’t decide on something, I use Wheel of names to decide for me
Personally, I’m on board with OVERGROWN, as it’s a nice idea, but if you want to challenge yourself, go ahead and make a BR
Whatever works for you :3
Any name ideas for the BR?
Any theme ideas?
BR in space. Like a space colony.
A industrial-themed battle royale!
I doubt it, this topic itself is about “should I do something or not”
this is totally not related to “GKC map making” or “GKC map making questions” since this question is about personal opinions.
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This is more of an “I need ideas” topic. Personally, while it might not pertain to actually making a map, it is okay to ask questions about maps. It’s not inherently offtopic.
Calm yourself. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.
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