Sentry not spawning in

In my DLD map I have a sentry yada yada, its placed above the terrain (so it doesn’t fall through the world), and is active on game start. ITS NOT THERE. Even when I used a lifecycle to activate it on game start ITS STILL NOT THERE. [1]

Yes I have restarted my computer, yes I have logged out of Gimkit, yes I have reopened the map, yes my internet is fine, no I’m not lagging.

  1. bruh ↩︎


How many sentries are on your map?

Literally just the one.

Ok, well I was gonna say sometimes when there are a lot of sentries together not all of them appear, but if it’s just one idk then…

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Maybe just remove the sentry and then re add it :person_shrugging:

I did that already, and even moved it around in my map. The only thing unusual about the sentry is that it has a size of 1.5 but that shouldn’t matter T-T

You can’t do size 1.51
I just placed a new sentry on a normal size and its still not loading in.

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How high is your sentry from the floor? If it isn’t high enough it might fall through the floor

Could I have an image and maybe I could give better ideas

High enough

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idk, i added a sentry to my own map and it works

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Yeah I did the same, it just isn’t working in the orginal map

Is the memory on your map high?

I’m at 17%

Well then that shouldn’t be the problem hmmmmmm
I’m tired and its a Monday my brain isn’t braining ahhh

I am going to search for similar topics and see what their solutions were

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Do you have inventory slots turned on?

Yeah I do.

If inventory slots are turned off in map options then the sentry won’t spawn. If they are on I have no idea. Have you tried opening another map?

I created a fresh map and the sentry spawned in there, but in the original map the sentry won’t spawn, and when I reopened the original map and added a new sentry, it still won’t spawn.

Is the sentry active on game start?