Sentry Discovery:

I have Discovered that Sentries get confused with pickaxes and you can run into them and they wont hit you, their hit will not hit you

so I am thinking for all Boss fighter lovers you make make it so whenever the pickaxe is slicing theirs a zone with damager that damages you in that area


That’s cool, but why is it under “Help”?

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where else Am I to put it though… oh wait yeh bugs

Devices. The sentry is a device.

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that what I was thinking but idk who put it to bugs

Simple…dont give them pickaxes

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… its a discovery xD

You don’t need to announce what game you are making due to this discovery…
Just put it in your bio :D

I am not making a boss game I made this for people who like boss games could use this

Bugs or Devices
  • Bugs
  • Devices
0 voters

Lol. It’s exactly in half.

I’m going to guess this isn’t a bug, since according to the documentation, “While the Pickaxe can deal PvP damage, note that this is not intended nor recommended. Damaging players with the pickaxe is inconsistent and we may entirely remove PvP damage from the Pickaxe in the future.”

I have seen sentries kill eachother when they see eachother, ĂŤ Think I remember correctly
but they cannot attack the player

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uhh no its not?