Secret Endings To Add To Your Map: Reply With More Ideas

i will take some of these good idea @Foxy

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Ok! Added my part!

If I ever wanna do a mission campaign game, which hey… actually is a real good idea, (except I can’t do DLD) but this is a great wiki! It houses many good ideas which can be useful. So yay! Cool wiki


Thanks to @Foxy we got it as a wiki, a shoutout to her!


why did you add “I finished Editing”? I dont think theres a point to that

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Just wanted to state that, and also state that this is a wonderful wiki.


I separated it into two sections
causes and endings


just to see who edited before, in case they forgot to put their name into the credits.

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Alright! Sounds great, maybe you can even add game ideas, we can turn this into a wide variety of

Things you can add to your map!

Also you forget to add the r with the you, but yeah.

Game Ideas
Quality Of Life Ideas (so ideas on how to improve game)

With this, if you wanna, cause I think this is already good enough, this can be a nice umbrella guide, having lots of resources needed if your ever in that brain block.

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maybe this was made for @VoidFluffy so I will wait for their opinion


Alright. Sounds well.

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Great idea! Can you add this for me? I have to finish some stuff rn.

I will no problem

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@Foxy can you copy and paste this title:
Secret Endings To Add To Your Map: Reply With More Ideas

Sounds awesome! This is gonna be a great guide for all those who ever need it. I can just feel the amount of ideas that can be added!


what if we just made it into a guide for story games?

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That would soon cool… at this point…

Just make this a giant fat stack of ideas. This guide would be a massive umbrella guide, giving just crazy amounts of ideas that it’s overwhelming! But I’m gonna go stay here for a bit more, then go develop.

ideas for like everything
nice idea

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Would like, am out once again :frowning:


somehow I never run out despite asking to be pinged for every new guide
what even is my like limit


For this one, let’s keep it secret endings. Y’all should make an ideas blastguide (it sounds amazing) but I’m not ready for that kind of big thing😅