Sanity Percentage Help


First, get a counter. This will be incremented and decremented and update property “sanity”

Second, we’ll do when you’re close to others. Have 6 tag devices (the max), and disable automatic respawn. Instead, wire “when player gets tagged” to the counter, incrementing it.
Note: This only works with a max of 6 players. You’ll have to pseudo-tag if you want this to work with more people.

Third, we want to do it near safe zones. I’d just use zones, and make it in different levels. By using multiple zones and a property, we can tell which part of the zone they are in. See my old storm guide to use this system. This can broadcast to a repeater that increments the counter, and when you’re far away, that repeater deactivates.

Fourth, sanity going down. Your sanity will always be going down (like mine), so just have a lifecycle → relay (all players) → repeater → counter (decrement).

Bonus: You can add a target of zero on the counter, so when they reach a sanity of 0, they get switched to spectator, or something.