Roblox Gimdentity ideas

Hello guys I need your amazing help with a kinda well known game on Roblox called Identity Fr@ud (Mainly help with the maze and other stuff like types of terrain or even custom levels)
FYI the game will NOT be an exact replica of the game I’ll have 7 levels 2 of the main and the rest by forum members!!

What I’m really looking for are just level ideas for those who are confused! Other things are welcomed to!

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This is not allowed because it is advertising another game so make it quick.

I’m just telling ppl what my game is gonna be like so they understand what I’m looking for

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Okay so you should do this:
What do the levels look like:

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Oh okay nevermind then it is allowed. Its fine, but can you still do the explaining thing? Bye for school I will be back on at around 4

its fine my explaining skills are bad I always add TO MUCH info so it looks like advertising :frowning:

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