(Resolved) I need help with making my game switch a random player to a certain team

yeah something like that where it when it receives a wire pulse it chooses a random wire to send to and you can choose how random it is

And that could also be a function of it.

You mind if I post this on the feedback page?

no not at all as long as you give some credit at the bottom or something :grin:

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The…feedback page? What’s that?

Exactly what we were talking about with the randomizer! That is a really smart decision by the devs! Kudos to them for being so smart!

The question has been answered, let’s not post here anymore so that there isn’t risk of off-topic posting. I was punished for that, it wasn’t fun, trust me.

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Alright, @Class-Decent the question has been answered, you should edit the name to include, “resolved”

Thank you for the answer! Sorry I didn’t see it sooner!

Oh, alright. Thanks for telling me!