🔎 Research for Moving Enemies and How We Might be Able to Create One [ Pseudo-movement ] [ Post 81 for Gif ]

The Research For Moving Enemies 🔎

Welcome to The Research for Moving Enemies! Add and edit to the research as much as needed!

Please note that this is not fully completed! Please add to this if you have something notable to this research!

Note: People keep linking certain topics similar to this but this topic is different. This topic associates pseudo-movement to create an early moving enemy.

The Table of Contents:


Recently, I’ve been thinking about a movement system about how a moving enemy would be possible, and they definitely are.
Read “Section 1” for the explanation.
These moving enemy’s could be used for so much!

For example:

- Tag vs. a bot! - A.I player tracker!
Section 1

In any given coding/programming language, you could create a basic tracking system. In gimkit, you could make a moving opponent try and match the players position.

What we have so far

Here’s a simple moving enemy. You can make it with props, item images, or whatever! Please note that this is not in <>“community made guides” because this topic is mainly about research for devices.
This table below represents how the code will work:

Player pos.(y) Enemy pos.(y) Distance (y)
12 2 10
4 4 0

So we would need a tracker for this moving enemy, and we would need to detect when the enemy’s position and the player’s position are equal.
It’s certainly possible, if you can make it in a simple chart, you most likely can make it in Gimkit!


So far, there are 2 mechanics for a moving enemy being tested.

  1. Using text with the player not visible
  2. Using a prop or something as an enemy and the player is visible.
    And for both of these, we will either need to use player coordinates or custom coordinates.

twofoursixeight - for making this a wiki
here_to_help - for adding the status, thanks!

- Add your name when you've made a contribution! -

Poll time!

Do you think moving enemies are possible!
  • Yes, certainly! Nothing is impossible!
  • I think we could do this…
  • No, I don’t think we could do this, but we might…
  • No. This is impossible, and will be until Gimkit adds moving sentries
0 voters

-none have been posted yet!-

Thanks to everyone who is participating in this on-going research! The moving enemy works! See post 81 to see how.

Why are there no moving enemies in Gimkit yet? This one's cool but it would be nice If the actual sentry could ACTUALLY move..


Post 81


This is already possible… technically.


Yes! But this research is for the enemies to actually move.
Edit: uh what was my grammar doing in past-tense and present-tense there; I’m losing it.

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I’m making a map using text for this, and the enemy is indicated as a red emoji. The red emoji moves closer to the player on a certain tick. This is the closest we can get to moving sentries, and this is for research about it.

moving sentry are probably coming with season ticket on december 4


How does the emoji recognize where to go? I understand if it’s 10 spaces away, but how does it know whether to move left, or right?

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Excellent question! Every 0.1 or so second tick, the enemy will get one emoji(tile) close to the player in both directions.

Moving sentry might not be possible for now however we already have a 2d gamemode that have moving sentry and just like blaster it just gonna take time to get added

This guide is for research about how we can make one before they get added :grinning:

off topicish

well then we need some big brain ppl here

We already have a working moving enemy! It’s quite easy, actually. We just need to improve it!
Of course, it’s not a sentry.

Here let me get you a gif to show you how it works…
Might not be able to get it until tomorrow…

pls blur it if u gonna be off-topic we don’t want it to be flagged

For everyone!
Hi there, just please, don’t post off-topic!

maybe this can help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfNSnZmw3p0

Making a working moving enemy, we have to rule out sentries due to the memory they take and the limit of 100 sentries.

Coordinates, of course!
First it gets its own coordinates and its targets coordinates.
If its own X is less than its targets X, it moves right.
If its own X is greater than its targets X, it moves left.
Kinda the same thing for Y.


For this system, I’m using a mechanic called “Custom Coordinates”, which makes custom coordinates using zones and counters.

Ping me for any questions!

@CustomCoaster, is it alright if I add what you said in the post and add your name?

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