Repeaters aren't useless (times where a repeater is more useful than a trigger loops)

recently I’ve made a ability with a Cooldown, the way showed the ability’s Cooldown to the player is impossible to do with a trigger loop! this is because I couldn’t deactivate and activate it because then it would lead to the ability repeating over and over. this shows that for showing cooldowns to the players in gui without the ability restarting, its better to use a repeater in these types of situations proving that they have uses that trigger loops sometimes cant replicate. they also have special interactions when it comes to game hosts. whenever a host becomes a spectator the repeater just. stops, this can be used for an advantage making it so that you can detect if the host is a player or not. pretty cool.


just use a counter and checker?

This is in fact very doable with a trigger loop. You can stop and start a trigger loop by simply adding in a checker that checks the value of a property, then by changing the value of that property to stop it. Repeaters are objectively less capable than trigger loops, and it’s good building practice not to use them.

On top of this, for more advanced conditions you could use block code to determine on what conditions the trigger loop broadcasts.


Repeaters are definitely more limited and less memory efficient than trigger loops. I do agree that they aren’t useless per se, but mainly for simplicity for new users, that’s the only time I’d recommend using a repeater.


You are absolutely right, repeaters aren’t useless! They are just less memory efficient, and triggers are more efficient in other aspects than just memory uses.

Correct me if I am wrong

  • Triggers offer more precise control over events.
  • They can be activated by specific conditions or player actions (sooo more tailored and responsive gameplay mechanics (AKA the ability to have an effective complex interaction))
  • Triggers can be connected to various devices and events.
  • Triggers can be used to start, stop, or modify other actions based on specific criteria (more flexibility)
  • Repeaters can sometimes lead to unintended loops or excessive repetitions, triggers can be set to activate only under certain conditions (meaning you reduce the risk of unwanted behavior)
  • Triggers are more efficient in resource usage.

For managing cooldowns, triggers can be used effectively by setting conditions for reactivation. Your system is also doable with a trigger loop.

If you haven’t already please read this post for more information :>


this was more so a post of me trying to help people stop discouraging people from using Repeaters as there is certain areas they can be better in. the way I did it had to use a repeater as if I activated it using the same brodcast it would basically keep the ability going on forever. that’s why in the way I did it I used a repeater

Discouraging repeater use is a good thing. It helps form good building habits, and inspires people to innovate. It’s an introduction to more complex ideas, and because it’s forced but easy it breaks the mind set of “that has devices i can’t do it”.


repeaters are easier to debug and dont have a recursion limit/or are too slow to reach that limit to my knowledge
whilst repeaters are limited they are simpler and it helps keep stuff organized without having a pile of triggers to debug systems (like trying to find a needle in a haystack for me ;-; )

but basically
while triggers have more variablilty they are harder to debug (block wise depending on the type of code ur doing) and often get confusing when you have a mess of them

repeaters carry more simplicity than triggers have less numbers so you dont have to worry about looking at a 1000 repeaters and trying to find the mistake among them
and can be building blocks for beginners to do trigger loops
so both have their ups and downs and are somewhat equal in ways ig


true but I was trying to say that using a repeater isn’t always a bad thing. sometimes they might be more efficient to use and can be more accessible. I’m not trying to say that we should stop telling people that triggers are better more so that we should tell them that triggers are more memory efficient however if you choose to use repeaters that they have some benifiets that triggers have a harder time replicating.
edit: why can you mark a solution in devices?

There’s a reason it was done in the first place, and there’s a reason it’s one of the most popular guides on the forums.

Like bh said, showing the limited use of repeaters fosters creativity. If you find a use for repeaters, great! Chances are, it can be done better.

Triggers do, arguably, have a “hard time” replicating the functions of a repeater. But if we have people take the easy way, then we get into a situation that we see with the rest of the forums: the gradual decline of creativity and uniqueness into banal repetition. The post was an attempt to turn that around, because it was (and still is) desperately needed.


Repeaters have a limit of 2 times per second. Trigger loops have a limit of 300 a second. (15,000 times a second if you do some trickery). Repeaters are simpler and serve as an introduction to a concept of a loop. They’re easier to debug in some cases, but that benefit is far outweighed by their downsides.

The only time trigger loops become pain is at a high level- (think 3d renderer), and at that level you’re not gonna be using repeaters anyway. This also encourages organizing your device systems, something that everyone should learn as it makes building any system way easier.

you can’t even place 1000 repeaters to look at lol, and plus you can just label your triggers. I do it all the time, or sometimes just use text objects so I can label those instead. In my opinion this is even better than finding repeaters, since you can literally label it “counting loop” or whatever

We’ve proved over the past few months that the only benefit of a repeater is perhaps to teach a new user what a loop is. Trigger loops outperform it in literally every conceivable metric.

The main point we have here is that it’s not worth it. I’m just gonna direct you to the post above made by shdwy for this response haha


eh either way
sometimes things just need a simple solution

and yeh i kinda knew that already i was just saying 1000 for example and when i said ¨less¨ i was referring to the repeater limit
peeps can foster creativity either way it just depends on how they think
complex problems dont always need complex solutions is kinda what im trying to say here like this quote i found

actually on the topic of memory effiency, I actually am wonder why do people tell you to be memory efficient? especially when working on a game where you don’t really need to make systems be memory efficient?

Many people don’t like to use devices or are scared of using any device system considered “advanced”. By forcing the learning of trigger loops, the calling trigger loops a “better, more advanced” way to do things, we break that mindset. Sure, you can be creative in other ways, but this is a way to ensure that as many people as possible aren’t scared of devices.

This is true, and the simplest solution is usually preferable. However, the repeater is so limited that it’s just not a good idea to use one. That combined with the opportunity to try and give people confidence in devices is an opportunity that is very good, and one that we as a community didn’t want to pass up. Hence the anti-repeater stigma.

That’s a great question- it’s just good building practice. Even if you don’t plan for your map to be a high memory one, memory creeps up over time and if you find yourself at the limit, trying to do more becomes a massive pain. Keeping your memory low in the first place is much easier to do than trying to bring it back down, so that’s why it’s recommended.

i like the idea of encouraging creativity and pushing peeps further
and i agree with not just outright saying that repeaters shouldnt be used
aside from that i dont think peeps are scared of devices lol
just dont know what to do with em and dont have motivation to learn more about children´s game mechanics
anyways i gtg i have wix duties to fullfill

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If you’ve seen other ability guides with cooldowns (at least the better guides) then you would know that we use triggers. Yes, repeaters can be used and are a GREAT tool for learning loops in GKC. But I wouldn’t say they are more useful than trigger loops.


whilst I agree with the topic of repeaters are used to teach new players they do have 1 advantage (that I learnt the hard way)
repeaters have some… special interactions with game hosts

i’m having le brain f4rt.


basically I made this guide while I was kind of new to gkc and there was a reoccurring problem with it that it used a repeater and so sometimes I would get pinged (or whatever you want to call it) whenever somebody shared my guide with half of them trying to detect if one player is alive and having the problem of it not working until they switched to a trigger loop
(in short if the host is spectating the repeater stop repeating or whatever)

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wait a minute, that actually can be used to an advantage, making it a way to detect if the host is a spectator! interesting. might add a bit about that.