Red Vs Blue color clash type game

Is there a way to make the blocks around you turn red on one team and blue on another team? I am trying to do something like color clash just red and blue instead of pink and green. Do you need to have a membership?

Maybe use player coordinates? With barriers?

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Could work. Don’t know how to do barriers or player cords

OK, so I can’t really help you with that right now… because I have a thumbnail to finish, but then I will try to give you directions.

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You could put a trigger next to every block that activates a barrier on top of the block? It’s rough, but I could see it working.


I actually used that method to make a working color clash tile

they probably will, considering they just added apocalypse gadgets


@ClicClac Thanks for the help.
I will also put something like this: Featuring; @Coderdash, @ClicClac, and @the_echoagent!
These Are People Who Helped Or Tried To Help!
But I don’t have enough gim-bucks and I am not done so when I am I will publish it.


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