Recreating Interland Part 4: Tower of Treasure

Today, I will be teaching you how to make the Yellow Part of Interland: The Tower of Treasure!

You will need:
For Part 1 of this:
Item Spawners [However many you want]x
Zones [However many obstacles you want]x
Item Granters [Same amount as amount of Zones]x
Another Zone 1x
Teleporter 1x
Sentries 3x
For Part 2 of this:
Counter 3x
Trigger 3x
@eiqcrmeliutgwhc’s Modified Questioner

Part 1

First, make sure ALL Item Spawners only spawn the item once. They should spawn Green Keycards. Well, set it to 10 minutes. That way, you can’t spam spawns. Make some arrows pointing the way you got to go. Now, have your rock, or something you “bump” into. Put your zone around it, and wire that to a Negative Item Granter that grants -1 Green Keycards.

Add a Zone in front of your Towers. Wire the Zone to a Teleporter inside of your building. It can be as simple looking as this:

(Yes, I know, it’s ugly.)

Now, wire the Zone to your deactivated sentries that are outside your building. Make them activate once you enter the zone. Onto the next part…

Part 2

Now, use that modified questioner in front of each of your three “Towers”. Make a timer for each Tower, so that when the Target Value is Reached → Deactivate Barrier, and you will die at the Sentries’ fiery doom!!! Of course, we don’t want that. Right? Right? Right? Ok.

Well, add a Counter with a Target Value of 4 in front of each Tower. Wire your Modified Questioner to your Counter, so that when that question is correct, you increment the counter. Basically, you want to answer all the questions before the time is up!

Well, I guess you’re done now! And I would love some :heart:s!


Nice guide!

Yes, I’m a fast reader.



Me too!


Nice guide! You should use grid snap for the item spawners.


Yeah, you could…

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oooh nice, but you might want a jumping mechanic involved for jumping over rocks and different items for each zone (there are two zones where you have to collect things)


and don’t forget, you have to answer three questions for it to be totally secure

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…interland… i’m drawing a blank

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Click on the link.

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i just did and um… oh.


I did four.

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oh ok

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Nice guide! Maybe you could add a part 3.

blizzy’s working on it

Nice guide! (burmp)

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so i have a modified version of this but it’s only a little hard to make

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Nice guide!

(post deleted by author)

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bump can’t believe that this is in creative.

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