I’m n my system, you have to make the block in the trigger for voting guilty have the activity feed block showing [Triggering Player’s Name] + “ voted for “ + get property [P Current Player Name]
please don’t bump a topic unless its 3 days or older.
You don’t need to bump help posts,
plus the most recent activity was only one hour.
Don’t bump a topic unless it’s five days or older
i really need help on this tho
idk im not that good im stupid at pseudo things but i understand the concept
i could try it, but he made me confused. it wasn’t specific enogh
You could wait for them to reply, I’ve already pinged them.
I don’t have that understanding, never was taught.
well i want a button that says when clicked _______voted For _______!
and the person with the highest votes dies
He will get on in about the next 2-3 hours, thats normally when he gets on.
Well that is the jist of the game, so what part are you not understanding? Like getting confused on.
What voting system are you using?
can you make it sound more Penguin understandable?
i dont have one yet…
Try one of these:
I’d suggest using getrithekd’s one because it’s what he used for his explanation
Does it work?