Random Floating "1" resulting in server error

I found a bug just a few minutes ago but wasn’t able to take any screenshots.
I was placing stuff in my map until I saw a random “1” in Gimkit font (that I didn’t place) and a few seconds after I saw it, my game crashed. I had to reload multiple times to get the game working again.

Can you try to replicate the error? If it only happened once, then it isn’t very notable and is just something to remember. If it has a specific trigger, then that’s more of a problem.

And knowing the cause would also be helpful in order to report it to hello@gimkit.com.

Additionally, what were you placing? How much memory was being used? And where was the one on the screen?


That’s Weird is everything in the code 1 or what

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the map was using about 7% memory and it appeared between some wall terrain
edit: no, I don’t have enough information on why it happened

Okay. Can you replicate it?

Were there any text devices in your map?

no, this map is brand new and I was setting up a dialogue system with popups

Alright, can you focus on trying to replicate the issue then?
I can send Gimkit an email if you want (or cannot yourself). It seems to just be a one time glitch to me, though. Maybe the server lagged out for a second.

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I’ll try. when I have time

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Okay, sounds good. Have a good morning afternoon!
And uh yeah weird glitch you’ve discovered. Hopefully Gimkit gets it squared away, although I imagine there will always be minor bugs like these.

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