Racing Game thumbnail Request

Can someone draw me a thumbnail for my Racing game?

The onyl things it needs to have are a racing flag, a gim, and my Gimkit Name (Admiral Flux).



use this when making thumbnail requests:

  1. Name of Game
  2. Summary of Game
  3. Setting
  4. What gims you want to be used
  5. What the gims are doing/character actions
  6. Author of Game
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Yes, please use the lil’ format metal used so any artist here can properly make a thumbnail for ya

Is this a rule on here?

well kinda it just helps us artists make the thumbnail easier

Can you make one for me just from what I provided?

Unspoken rule =P

its your topic so you need to make the format


Please explain, im new here

just follow this format

K thank you, ill have that to you soon

alright :+1:

I think i got this, even without the format
(Why do people need this, well, it does help, but it isnt required)

im just not smart enough to do it with out the format

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Name: Gimkit 400

Summary: Players will compete to become the champion of the 30 lap race!

Setting: Race Track

Gims: N/A

Actions: Running

Author: Admiral Flux

K, i sent it. good luck

for the gims can i use a custom gim?

Sure, whatever you want

Thumbnail, complete (beat ya metal)

Also, both gims are custom, they are, shade, sketch (painter)


thats really cool

darn it