Psuedo Health for Textboxes [and other mechanics for tower defense]

How do I cut off the end?

You take the mod 10^11.

And remind me how this helps me carry over values?

[At this point, you are definitely getting a note in the lobby for helping.]

I don’t get what carrying over values means lol. Does it mean store the health of each enemy?

Ok, so let’s go back before we were talking about fake loops.

And then you and shdwy started explaining loops [or rather fake loops.]

I think I can have two digits: two numbers 0-4 because then I can have 2 things per space.

But you still haven’t explained what carry over a value means.


So we have an enemy on track space 1. We want it to ‘move’ to track space 2. To do this, we need some sort of function to make the value in space 1 transfer to space 2. Meanwhile, a new value transfers on to space 1. The real issue is that some enemies are faster and need to move down the track faster (up to triple the speed of a level 1 enemy) but they are contained in the same value for the space.

After typing that out, it has to be easier to have two different properties for each space, so then you can control the two items separately. But we still need to transfer the values from one spot to another.

We can also use the two spots for a targeting bonus: We can make it so the more powerful enemy goes into the primary slot and is targeted first.

As you said, you have 2 different properties. You multiply by 10 for one and 100 for the other. 10^x, where x is the speed.

What if I had a recursion system for each speed (higher delay for slower speed) that uses a checker to check if the value is the type of speed and if so just sets the next space to that value?

The first issue I could think of was if I linked the front of the track up first the enemies would travel it in a single cycle. I can make it in reverse to avoid that. (this has something to do with advanced channel order)

Idk what’s better. Generally, with text displays, you want to avoid recursion as much as possible.

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You need as much computational space for rendering the text.

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Great to know.

I’m going to start building this part of the system and will check back in when it breaks or is finished.

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Wait, 5k is the prop limit?

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Yeah. There’s a prop limit. And why is this in devices?

To deter people from entering it



Now that we have for loops (though apparently we had them a long time ago) if you have a list of enemies, you can iterate through it and replace each thing. You can have two temporary counters, one stores the enemy id from the space youre trying to replace, and one moves it to the new area.

Ok, nevermind, I dunno what I’m saying. But for loops should help somehow.

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honestly I barely remember why I needed one in the first place

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