Deleted. Don't Read

I am sorry for posting something that should not have posted. I am not going to restore it. Sorry again.


You should send this in an email to because we can’t do anything about discovery. Part of the reason is that the gimkit team can’t handle the sheer amount of maps.


I don’t really have anything to add to this other than agreement. It is really hard to find good maps to play, most are unfinished, lacking design, depth, features, directions, the basic NEEDS. I would say about 75% of maps are trash (sorry, not).

This can be solved by having a proper moderation team and also public play counters.

No kidding! This would be EXTRMEMLY useful. It would exploit all of the lies right there in the title. Most games have a message saying “x amount of plays and we will do an update”, players don’t really know how many plays a game has. That solution above would show players how many plays, and when they can expect the next update of the game to be.

Speaking of updates, it would also be helpful if GKC had another label below the title featuring when the game was last updated.

I also agree with @getrithekd this is more of a rant than a solution. BUT it can shape the format to your email (if you are gonna email them)


yes i agree that discovery has a problem, and it should eventally be fixed hopefully. but i just search things up. only fix it needs is to detect effort spent on the map, make an algrithom based off socail websites but in more healthy patterns by pushing new maps, making more type of catagories will also be helpful, and make it only on can be selected so we don’t have somebody select them all bc they can

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I agree. But people have gone on rants like this multiple times and nothing happens. I suggest you do what getrithekd said →

Is this an alt? :roll_eyes:

Y’all know this already exists right…? Because it does. It’s pharlain’s job, if I remember correctly.

Yeah I do know, but I think he/we WhAtEvEr meant for the public to see not just the creator of the map.

There is this counter

But like I said only the creator of the map can see that (I think)

Yes only the creator

Sorry that this seeming more of a rant than a solution. This is one of the problems that I am really mad about. I will try to do better next time!

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i rather hear rants, bc solutions never seem to work

I understand.
You have no reason to be sorry.
A lot of people are angry.
Games are hard to create and keep up. Communities are hard to please.
We all must be patient.
EvEN tHouGH It CaN Be HaRD
Good advice is to email

Late response, had a weird error

I agree with this guide about the need for moderation and copyright thumbnails.

I just noticed there probably a cause for copyrighted thumbnails.

1 people aren’t able to make their own was gonna call people lazy but don’t want to get flagged and think it will turn out bad and we banned thumbnails request so they cannot ask for one! so they used copyright thumbnails instead to help solve their problem.

about the moderation tho.

bro idk how many mods the gimkit team has.

all i think I know they have according to the forum is 3 Josh jeffo and pharlin and they are not even full time mods which leaves it up to the community when they not on to do the right thing correctly and flags the things that break the rules the official rules made by the mods

still I suggest you message gimkit

well that’s kind of an obvious realization there bud

not many they are short-staffed and smol

yeesh grammar is wonky there
but basically sorta yes the interesting thing with this community is that when it comes to rules they tend to evolve and change over time with many “needed” rants/essays for example one rant/essay that changed the acceptance of thumbnails to thumbnails not being allowed is reliefr’s which had good points ngl but had a flaw… they didn’t consider whether the community could evolve but the thumbnail thing wont change because most of the peeps both on wix and discord hate the thumbnail requests and I wont start a whole rant about it so basically what I mean is that rules can change over time due to circumstances and opinions made by the community itself the mods don’t care about the forums as much as we do therefore most not all decisions are not made by them unless we email them and somehow convince them to change a rule or 2 officially rules made by the community tend to stick too

That’s false advertizing. :speech_balloon:

Are there even 500 million people who play Gimkit? :laughing:

What’s the point of this post, exactly? :thinking: Sorry, but I don’t think this post is gonna fix anything - nice try, though.

Well, alongside proving you didn’t read the post, the point was that there are many maps which are
blatantly against the rules, which needs to be addressed.

I did read the post and I get what the OP was trying to accomplish, but this post won’t exactly change anything. Most people are still going to do this. Good effort, though, @Glass_Half_Empty! :+1:

the thing is, we can’t do anything, but if you email it would help. @Glass_Half_Empty

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so many people have said this, anyway, a good solution would be to yoink the GD rating system lol

I have noticed that games that steal Roblox thumbnails usually get on trending almost instantly.

I dont think there is even 500million Gimkit players tbh