maybe this one will help?
that is absolutely cool!!! how are you exactly doing that, is the player behind it?
is there the buttons under the other visual buttons?
Did you refresh, maybe their is a bug?
Either that or the areas are overlapping with each other
They should be the same size as the zones, so that they dont intersect and cause one being favored in the algorithm over the other.
Like this:
Monoreuk I am absolutely making what you made because that is sooo cool!
should this be in bugs?
Let me simplify it:
If this happens, i’ll only be able to see button 1 (the one on the left) not button 2 (the one on the right)
If I do this, I will now be able to click both buttons
I wouldn’t call this a bug, since its not Gimkit server itself acting up.
I still haven’t figured it out yet, because this could be a problem in my settings, if anything, I’ll change it to a bug myself if I need to :)
congratulations getting TL3 ! @Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0
maybe move the buttons and zones closer to the edge?
because Your first button looks closer to edge than the other
What is the wire between the top button and the camera view doing?
not a button but a zone , it is responsible for the fact that when the player starts the game, he is transferred to the menu
Try wiring that zone to the other buttons so that it activates them.
I need that immediately after the player spawns I appear in the menu those 3 buttons WILL be responsible for teleportation to another place, 1 in a word after pressing start there will be a choice of chapters, after pressing credits it will show those who helped, and a little about the game, and 3 I haven’t thought of yet,
so I need the camera to work immediately after the start of the game
just do a button close to edge and those buttons go to different teleporters, its that easy
po prostu umieść przyciski blisko krawędzi, aby można je było nacisnąć w niewielkiej odległości, a te przyciski przeniosą Cię do różnych teleportów, to takie proste
I tried fixing it up that should be the right translation
Can you show me roughly what you mean?
Or show it
polish? Realy?
I speak Polish of course, but I have already forgotten how to read, so it is not my language, in any case, even if you translated it into my language, it would still not be clear to me, since we use the same translator
and let’s not forget that languages are STRICTLY prohibited on the forum
darn I got you mixed with that girl that it made me think you were the polish one
In basic terms
move buttons near the edge of the visual buttons. once you do that, on game start you should be able to press every single one. connect the buttons to the teleporters
try your best to translate it