Practice Mode Checkpoint Availability

In several hard games I’ve played recently, I’ve seen practice modes available that allow you to have checkpoints in-game. However, I can’t find a setting to control whether or not checkpoints are available. Can someone explain this? loll

@Blackhole927, I can see that you’ve been on here pretty recently (30 minutes or less). I know firsthand how hard it is to leave here (and obvi I couldn’t stay gone), but it is possible. You might want to ban yourself for the time being, lol. Good luck!

Go to All options there will be an option like this
Screenshot 2024-11-27 4.26.28 PM

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Wait a sec mb

Ohhh, by Activated, it means whether or not it can be triggered. :rofl: I thought it mean when it was checkpoint-ed it would send a message on that channel. lol

Wait… does it??

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It can, that’s what “when checkpoint activated, transmit on” is for. IDK is right, just activate all of the checkpoints when a player turns on “practice mode” and deactivate all of them when they select the real thing. They can all use the same channel for activating and deactivating.
Now that you mention it, I think I have played a few games with this mechanic.


Sorry, checkpoint-ed, not activated.

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