Practical uses for guides in games

oh, well

we were helping a forum user.

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We do need to stop worrying about others and worry about ourselves. Because it always starts arguments. - Wolf (my idol :slight_smile: )

Edit: Yes, but its your fault if an argument pops up

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I can worry about it don’t get off-topic It is my topic

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Again lets not start agruments, the user has been helped and that can’t be changed.

@Caternaught :wink:


My guides init! :DD

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Yeah because it is has a lot of likes and is good

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Some of these only have 25 likes. If we are putting guides with 25 likes as “high”, this might take a while…

I feel old now, I remember when there was only like 30!

There used to be one.

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I was actually going to the ‘top’ category

@Li1_reaper only edit with my permission
And @LlamaLady22

this is a great idea! (also sorry for editing cellofive pressing the check just calls to me)

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alr i missclicked on the button sorry

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Hy @Cellofive,can i edit it?

Sure just make sure your edits don’t break the rules

Thank you!

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Also the popular section is full

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Maybe you should have a other section for resource guides to reduce other areas of guides.

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@Epi320 are you still editing?

All you have to do is click edit, but don’t edit and it will show you who is editing.