Possible popup softlock bug

idk if this is a bug or not but when you softlock a popup then open it, the host can’t end the game. Has anybody encountered this?


make it not closeable by players

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so the host cant click the button when your in the popup your saying?

If so, then thats just because you close the popup by clicking out of it, but because you cant, you cant click the end game button

okay I was mainly asking if the button was supposed to disappear or if it was a bug

I mean, I dont think so, it just makes the rest of the screen kinda grey

it doesnt disapear for me either

pretty sure that’s been mentioned b4 lemme search it…but in my opinion this might be intentional because when you lock a pop-up it necessarily means you cant get out of it no matter what you do unless an external force like say a timer that closes the pop-up automatically after a set amount of time so try that oki?

I fixed it but thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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should you move it to devices and mark a solution? i dont know

._. you just mark a solution thats it it don’t need to be moved to devices I mean you joined literally 4 days ago I understand that but don’t assume stuff plz


I thought you could only mark solution for devices and help, sorry, im new here, please dont get mad at somene who joined 4 days ago

Yes this is very annoying. I don’t think it is a bug though

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