Popup Call TO Actions - List

How do i make a list of call-to-actions for a popup device? im trying to make it to where the players can select different boat ‘skins’ for game. this will also apply to other elements i willl later apply to the game.

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please put this in the help section.
thank you

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do you have the sesone ticket for the device

Try this guide-

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no, i do not have a seaso nticket for anything. i simply thought i could make a list for a popup call-to-action thing. can i, or can i not?

No, sorry. But if you have Discord, you can share your code and someone can place it for you. Sorry!

Ah then that’s the problem. It’s season ticket exculsive


bro the immediately onslaught of “Nope sorries”

Well you need the season ticket for the most efficient way…
but you could use a string of regular popups with cta’s to make a sort of selection system

then you cannot place this device sadly becasue its exclusive

thx. this helps thanks a lot

You able to access wix?

Use a popup call to actions device but if you don’t have the season ticket it can’t be done.

Make sure to mark the solution then!

Now that you have an answer, remember to mark solution
edit: '83 beat me to it


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